Day of the Dead kids art workshops at Yes Creative Lab enrolling now!
The gorgeous and colorful Día de los Muertos is approaching. And to get into the spirit of the celebration, Yes Creative Lab is offering some beautiful art projects full of skeletons, hearts, flowers, and sugar skulls. We will have projects for all artful spirits: from kids and pre-teens, to toddlers with their parents. Sign up and join us! Here are the workshops we'll be offering:
Splendid Sugar Skulls
(Mixed Media + Fingerpainting)
Wednesday, October 25 – Friday, October 27
Ages: Parent-and-me (2-4 yrs old), Pre-K (3-5 yrs old), and K-2nd Grade
Mixed Media Splendid Sugar Skulls, finger painting, foam shapes, and paper flowers
Learn to paint skulls with hand and fingerpainting, then embellish your sugar skull painting with symmetrical geometric foam sticker designs and paper flowers or bowties for a festive, colorful, spooky creation. At the end of the 45-minute-long workshop, you'll get to take your beautiful sugar skull painting home with you, along with a treat for the holiday.
Cost: $25 (Includes all materials, 45-minute class, and treat)
Splendid Sugar Skulls - Parent & Me (2-4 years)
Thursday, October 26, 11:00am - 11:45am
Splendid Sugar Skulls - Parent & Me (2-4 years)
Friday, October 27, 10:15am - 11:00am
Splendid Sugar Skulls - Pre-K (3-5 years)
Wednesday, October 25, 2:15pm - 3:00pm
Splendid Sugar Skulls - Pre-K (3-5 years)
Thursday, October 26, 3:45pm - 4:30pm
Splendid Sugar Skulls - Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
Friday, October 27, 2:45pm - 3:30pm
Día de los Muertos Prints
(Scratch Foam Printmaking)
Thursday, October 26 & Monday, October 30
Ages: K-2nd Grade, 3rd-5th Grade, 6th-8th Grade
Day of the Dead scratch foam prints
Create beautiful and colorful Day of the Dead prints by designing and making sugar skulls, hearts, skeleton patterns, or anything you can imagine with the simple and safe scratch foam method. At the end of the 45-minute-long workshop, you'll get to take your spooky prints home with you, along with a treat for the holiday.
Cost: $25 (Includes all materials, 45-minute or 60-minute class, and treat)
Día de los Muertos Prints - Kindergarten-2nd Grade
Thursday, October 26, 4:45pm - 5:30pm
Día de los Muertos Prints - Kindergarten-2nd Grade
Monday, October 30, 5:00pm - 5:45pm
Día de los Muertos Prints - 3rd-5th Grade
Monday, October 30, 3:45pm - 4:45pm (60 minutes)
Día de los Muertos Prints - 6th-8th Grade
Monday, October 30, 6:00pm - 7:00pm